Kazakhstan is a huge (with 2.7 million square kilometres about 1.7 times the size of Mongolia) and diverse country, stretching from Europe almost to Mongolia. The two countries don’t share a common border, but are separated by a c.40 km long stretch of the Chinese-Russian border in the Altai. The easternmost point of Kazakhstan is c.340 km WNW from Khovd. The number of bird species recorded in Kazakhstan and Mongolia is rather similar (498/c.470).
For anyone interested in the bird fauna of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion (to which western Mongolia belongs) the new book will be an important reference.
The Birds of Kazakhstan
by Arend Wassink and Gerald J Oreel
This full-colour book brings together invaluable information on status, habitats, distribution and migration on the birds of Kazakhstan, packed into 288 pages.
All 498 species recorded in Kazakhstan (up to early 2007) are covered, and more than 900 maps and graphs give their breeding and temporal distribution. The text, including the introductory chapters, is further illustrated by maps, watercolour paintings and many photographs.
The Birds of Kazakhstan is an essential reference for anyone with an interest in the avifauna of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
For more information (including ordering instructions), see www.birdsofkazakhstan.com

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